
Main Databank Index

Cardassia (formerly The Cardassian Union)

  • New democratic government is agreed, per the treaty of Bajor, to fully disarm.  Receiving aid from former allied powers, especially the Federation.  
    • They’ve agreed to submit their security/military to the former allied powers, so there is always a Klingon, Federation, or Romulan presence inside existing Cardassian space.
  • Raiders and other resistant elements of the Cardassian fleet disappeared rather than submitting to the treaty’s stipulations.
    • They may or may not be hiding out in The Badlands.
    • This accounts for missing ships as well as supplies such as industrial replicators, construction supplies, medical supplies, food, etc.
    • (basically a Cardassian Maquis)
  • Empok Nor was found abandoned shortly after the war.  Pa Wraith cultists, worshiping a vision Gul Dukat, are rumored to be present among the former Cardassian colonies, and within Cardassian space itself.
  • The Obsidian Order is thought to have permanently dissolved.